Hello World! This is a test.
testing 1 2 3
Well, there seems to be no easy way to get from Joomla 1.5 to version 2.5. So I at least found a way to get articles (mostly the recipes) and Categories transferred. As a result the site is now on 2.5, but I have to create menus and other structural "stuff". Check in often to see my progress!
Now in another upgrade the same extension J2XML has helped me move my articles for an easy transition!
Well, (such a deep subject for such a shallow mind) I've finished reading a book on Joomla! 2.5. Now I can haltingly improve the display of content. So far I have at least managed to put some order to the recipes. This starts with the link on the main menu. Secondly I have ordered the sub-categories alphabetically. Feel free to let me know of issues or suggestions at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
One thing at a time, I'm getting things in shape. As more of my own content is ready I'm removing the default content. The latest additions are web links for recipe and woodworking sites. One thing I am certainly missing is graphics. Hopefully I can at least put some photos in the mix.
There have been a few visitors who have registered on the site. I hope they are not too disappointed that there's currently no added benefit to registering. Two of the new members seem to be in Poland. Who would have thought!!
A side trip I made is for mobile viewing. If you visit using a smart phone or tablet you should see the site with a different template. The idea is to make the recipes and other articles easier to read from mobile devices.
I never really finished Rickscott.com 3.0. I kept searching for a way to use a database for keeping the recipes and couldn't find anything that made any sense. Now it seems a Content Management Software is the way to go with the entire site. So here goes version 4.0. As the old pages are converted to Joomla! articles they will be searchable and linked. Until then the Top Menu will link to the old "site". (To be continued)